Conversaciones entre Chilefornians: Liderazgo empresarial en tiempos de incertidumbre

Bárbara Silva – Gerente General, BeSTinnovation

Bárbara is currently executive director of Singularity University in Chile and Colombia. She is also CEO of BeSTinnovation, an accelerator of corporate innovation that mobilizes innovation in Chile and Latin America. In 2016, Barbara introduced the first Singularity University Summit in Latin America. Recently, she was appointed as representative for South America by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI International).

Barbara is part of the Innovation Committee of Sofofa and the Productivity Commission of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago. She was Vice President of the Innovation Committee of Open Beauchef of the University of Chile.

In 2012, she initiated the women’s movement in innovation in Chile and South America connecting South American women with the knowledge and network of successful women in Silicon Valley. Then she created “HER GLOBAL IMPACT”, her non-profit organization that focuses on the training and acceleration of women entrepreneurs.

Mike Leatherbee

Academic Director of the Evidence-based Policy and Innovation Research Lab and Assistant Professor of Innovation and Strategy, Universidad Católica de Chile

Mike Leatherbee, obtained his Ph.D. in strategy, organizations, technology and entrepreneurship at Stanford University. He is Academic Director of the EPIC Lab, Advisory Board Member of Start-Up Chile, and Partner of Aukan Innovation Management. He has been involved in innovation from the vantage point of entrepreneur, professor, public-policy designer, and researcher, earning him and his companies multiple prizes and recognitions. At the School of Engineering of Universidad Católica de Chile, he developed a Technological Entrepreneurship course, a Minor of Innovation, co-designed an executive Masters of Innovation, and led the creation of a strategic alliance between Universidad Católica, Stanford Technology Ventures Program, and Ministerio de Economía de Chile. He is actively running experiments to determine the causal effects of innovation policies on organizational outcomes.


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